Archives for December 2016

At Your Fingertips: Knowledge or Trouble?

By Courtney Plunk April 3, 1973, was a date that would change the world, although few knew it at the time. On this fateful day, an engineer made the first-ever mobile phone call. Four years later, the first home computer hit the stores, and ten years later, Motorola released the first commercial mobile phone. Shelley Barba, Texas […]

9 to 5, Past Age 65

By Alyssa Chrisope Nearly 20 percent of Americans 65 and older are still working, according to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That is the highest rate of employed older people since the 1960s. Becky Hymes has worked as the human resources director for User Friendly Media for more than 14 years. She will […]

Millennials Say No To Stereotypes

By Leigh Waldman The generation born between 1981 and 2000 is often stereotyped as being self-absorbed, entitled, having a “me-first” attitude in the workplace and being attached to their phones. But many millennials firmly reject these stereotypes, and some Texas Tech students took the time to explain why. Tony Nwankwo The 22-year-old senior at Tech […]

Eat Breakfast, Or Break Fast During the Day

For many students, breakfast can either be an afterthought or a must-do, but does it help in the classroom? For those trying to find out, research can be a little confusing. If you check websites like Shake Up Your Wakeup, you would be convinced that breakfast is an essential part of a morning routine. According […]

Not Your Average Recreation Center

One of the first things incoming students see on their school tour of Texas Tech is the Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center. The facility has many things to offer students besides a good workout. According to Texas Tech Rec Sports, the student recreation center offers a variety of services to students, including fitness classes, team sports […]

MDMA at EDM Festivals: Drug Safety Concerns

By Natalie Ortiz Beaming lights, high energy and beat drops make electronic dance music, or EDM, festivals popular events. But some attendees look for a higher experience, possibly risking their lives by doing so. Some concert-goers fall victim to the psychoactive drug, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, because of lack of education about potential side effects. MDMA generates feelings […]

Documentary: (Un)Registered

By Anna Claire Beasley, Juan Gil, Justin Rex, Spencer Grzywacz and Allison Kowalczyk Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. It happens everywhere, including Lubbock. Watch this documentary to learn more.

Pill Popping for Perfect Body: Pros vs. Cons

By Kaylyn Smith It can be easy for people, especially college students, to become obsessed with physical appearance these days. Thanks to social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, body image anxiety consumes the Internet. According to the Boston Medical Center, 45 million Americans diet each year, spending $33 billion annually on weight-loss products. Kelsey Chandler, […]

Tech Students Making Massive Gains

Lifting weights and staying healthy can be more than just a hobby. For some Texas Tech students, it is a lifestyle. Bodybuilding, exercising to increase muscle size and and strength, is more than just lifting weights day and night. For serious body builders, it is a juggling act between training, school, dieting and trying to […]

Hardworking Hands

By Alyssa Chrisope Well, Ricky Bobby, there are plenty of people that do. From baristas, seamstresses, mechanics and more there are people all around you that have found their calling, working with their hands. Some say it was a trait passed down and others claim that you are born with the talent. But next time you […]