Trump and The Media: A Relationship Explained

By Rachel Blevins When Donald Trump held his first conference after the election on Jan. 21, he made headlines—not for his remarks about the economy or foreign policy, but for his reaction when he was asked a question by a reporter from CNN. “No, I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake […]

The PoliTech Girl Speaks Out

In November of 2014 the inboxes of a Texas Tech University student filled with frantic texts from friends, her Facebook blew up with message requests, and later, her email cluttered with threats. Within weeks of the release of the PoliTech “Politically Challenged” video, it went viral, and currently has over two million views. Courtney Plunk, the […]

SGA Officers Give Opinions on Election

By MiKenna Williams Members of the Texas Tech University Student Government Association share an interest in both small- and large-scale politics, though their opinions diverge. Watch SGA executive officers and senators discuss their opinions on the presidential election, their voting decisions and the significance of this event. Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this video do not […]

Improved Cuba Relations Open Possibilities

By Natalie Ortiz After over 50 years of hostility, the United States has begun to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, creating new opportunities for students and scholars interested in learning more about the island country. Americans can now travel to Cuba on so-called people-to-people trips. President Barack Obama, who visited the island in March, is the first […]

Local Democrats: Media Not Feeling The “Bern”

By Jayme Lozano As the race to the White House heats up, voters are taking a harder look at how presidential candidates are portrayed by the media. While there is no lack of coverage for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, supporters of Bernie Sanders across the country have expressed concerns about a media blackout against their candidate. […]

Voters Starter Pack: The Presidential Election

Americans between 18 and 24 years old voted less than any other age group in the 2012 presidential election, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. But with Millennials now outnumbering the Baby Boomers, the 2016 presidential election could see a bigger, younger turnout. It can be difficult to keep up with all the ins and outs of the political […]

Trump: Can He Win the Nomination?

By Rachel Blevins With the rise of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, the Republican Party is facing a conundrum centered on a brokered convention. According to the Party’s rules, a brokered convention occurs when no single candidate receives at least 1,237 out of the 2,472 available delegates. As of the New York primary […]

In Politics, Some Are More Equal than Others

By Rachel Blevins An elite group of voters called “superdelegates” makes up about a third of the total delegates needed to win the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Their unique power has led some to criticize their role as undemocratic. Timothy Nokken, graduate studies director in Texas Tech’s Department of Political Science, said the Democratic Party’s […]

Trump, Abortions and What it Could Mean for Women

By Jayme Lozano Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy, but his recent comments on abortion have caught the attention of women’s rights advocates. During a recent campaign event, Trump said women who seek abortions should be punished if the procedure is banned. He later changed his stance to suggest punishing only the doctors who […]

Student Youngest Ever to Run for City Council

Tristan Ramirez does not want to be a politician. He hopes to be more. “I don’t want to be elected to office and just be known as a city councilman,” Ramirez said. “I want to be known as a member of the community, as a servant of the community. That’s really all I want.” Ramirez is […]