Interview with Professionals, Griffin Wink

My goal is to help students, like you, get the inside peek of possible internship and job opportunities. I want to help you put the best foot forward and get the upper hand on “hot spots” in Lubbock. I met with Brian Wink, the president of Griffin Wink Advertising. He was very nice and laid-back. […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Fourteenth Meeting

Before the meeting, I looked at the promotions that Mary Kay had put on previously. They did have a successful “Fall Into Your Beauty” college tour that many students really enjoyed. Mary Kay visited several colleges putting on makeup demonstrations for students, trying out new products, interactions with independent beauty consultants, and giveaways throughout the […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Promotions Meeting

Our group is tasked with coming up with events and promotions, media selection, budget, and scheduling. For only seven of us, that is a huge task. We met on a Sunday afternoon to have a few days to come up with our own ideas before getting together as a whole. We discussed previous ideas that […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Thirteenth Meeting

Quiz! The team had our first quiz over the case study. Being on the Ad Team, it is important to always know the case study. The case study has all the information that the team needs to know about Mary Kay, their expectations, and more. Although, it is easy to slip away from the case […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, New Semester

Bichard would think that during the break we all thought about Mary Kay every day and looked up a bunch of research about our ideas. She would think that maybe we thought a bit more about our concept and design. Okay, let’s be honest. That would have been really nice, but I think we all […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Insight and Creative Brainstorm

The eleventh meeting held on December 8th was a long and brutal meeting, but not necessarily in a bad way. It was just very long and tedious, long discussions, and give pages of front and back notes… We started off our meeting by talking about what to expect during the spring semester. Bichard said that […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Tenth Meeting

The 10th meeting was very long! Since we did not have a prior meeting due to bad weather and driving conditions, we had a lot to catch up on. Our problem was that most of our team was still coming home from Thanksgiving break, so we had less than half in attendance. We first talked […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Bowling Tournament

The bowling tournament was success! Although we only had around seven teams, our silent auction items were amazing. We had many different items that we were giving away. There was a photography session, gift certificates for paying bills, handmade cross, television basket with different TV show items, canes basket, scarves, and gift cards to a […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Ninth Meeting

The obvious first thing that we discussed was the bowling tournament, which is Saturday. We did not get as many teams to come out and play compared to last year. This is a big problem since we will have to have more fundraisers to collect the money to make it to competition! Bichard said that […]

Inside Peek: Ad Team, Eighth Meeting

Our eighth meeting was a lot shorter than our other meetings, but I know it won’t stay that way for long! Maybe a few of us were just already really relaxed because we sat in the Ad Team room for two hours watching music videos and comedy videos after our first focus group. The first […]