When Anonymity Goes Too Far

Twitter is all fun and games until someone gets called out by name. With the recent rise in “TTU” tagged parody accounts, the ugly truth has come out. While @TXTechCrushes, @TTUBusDriver and others have taken off with the help of humor, Tech is also plagued by accounts like @TTUSlamPiece and @TTUMakeouts. @TTUMakeouts has gained popularity […]

Intern Roulette

Finding an internship is a total gamble. There are good internships and there are bad internships, it’s all about finding the right one for you. A part of finding a suitable internship is knowing what you want to do with your life, which can be easier said than done. Sometimes it’s best just to roll […]

2014, The Year of Wearables?

Today, everyone seems to be tied to their smartphones. There is little to nothing tech companies can do to improve on these devices with battery technology not being where we would like it to be. With Google Glass in the alpha stage of development and Apple coming out with their iWatch next year, technology companies […]

Can You Sell Happiness?

Many people love Coca-Cola ads. Especially the crazy machines they come up with around the world to get people to do fun things just for a free Coke. But why do people love them? What makes these ads so successful? Let’s take their “Small World” machines, for example. They placed two vending machines in India […]

An Age Of Property Or Something Else?

As a budding web designer, I am often faced with a dilemma. I am working on a few websites at the moment: my own, which will be my professional and monetary portal to the universe, and two commissions of the wedding and nonprofit varieties, respectively. The issue arises when a client inevitably asks, “What can […]

'Tis The Season For Giving, Not Receiving

For most of us the holidays are a time to visit family, reconnect with friends, and receive that much coveted gift or cash from Grandma. This past weekend I was reminded of  how fortunate I really am. While driving in the icy cold weather we had on Saturday, I saw several homeless people walking in […]

Saltwater Soul

I wrote this creative piece. It concerns where I would rather be than the frigid weather that’s been occupying Lubbock. Wake up at 5 a.m. just to make it on time. Remember the bags stuffed with Wal Mart supplies, Grab the poles, tackle box, and Dad’s lucky hat. Sit in the middle because I’m the […]

Finals Are Coming

It’s that time of year again when the library reaches maximum capacity, coffee is consumed more than water, and sleep is hard to come by. FINALS. At a time like this, you may feel overwhelmed and your stress level is at an all-time high. No need to panic. I have some tips and tricks to […]

Salute Our Veterans

Because today is Veterans Day there are going to be lots of posts, tweets, and filtered photos about our nation’s heroes. While all of that is sweet and dandy, there is more that you can do to actually support our veterans and their families. It’s time that we put our differences aside and give back to […]

Is Raider Rash Offensive?

Sure we all enjoy the friendly trash talk that ensues with any sports activity, particularly at the level of college football, but sometimes people can go a little too far. Earlier this week Oklahoma State University published an article about this week’s upcoming game with the title ‘Cowboys Look To Avoid Raider Rash.’ Now for […]