Finals Are Coming

It’s that time of year again when the library reaches maximum capacity, coffee is consumed more than water, and sleep is hard to come by. FINALS. At a time like this, you may feel overwhelmed and your stress level is at an all-time high. No need to panic. I have some tips and tricks to help you survive the stress of finals.

Find a quiet study spot.

Everyone is looking for a quiet place to study. The library, Starbucks, and Market Street are some of the most popular places to study. With that being said, they can be crowded, loud, and could potentially cause distraction. Look beyond these places and find somewhere that is not as well known. The last thing you need is distraction when trying to study.

Buy your notecards ahead of time.

Notecards are a very popular tool used to study. During finals week, notecards often are sold out at places like Wal-Mart, Market Street, and on campus. Next time you go to the store, stock up! Get the notecards before the demand for them increases the next few weeks.

Make a checklist.

It might feel like you have an overwhelming number of things to do but writing them out helps you to see exactly what you need to get done. You don’t want to forget something when you are tired and frazzled. Organization reduces stress. Crossing things off as you go will help you to see all you have accomplished and clearly show what you have left to do.      

Take planned breaks.

When studying, it can be easy to get distracted by our cell phones and social media. Instead of studying while engaging in these distractions, plan out a break and stick to it. Go for a jog, watch a television show, or play around on social media rather than taking short five-minute breaks multiple times. This will save time and reduce distractions.

Take Deep Breaths.

Stress is often caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. When we are stressed, we tend to take shorter breaths. If you start to feel overwhelmed, stop, close your eyes, and take a few deeps breaths. Sometimes all we need is a quick second to focus on our breathing and think positive thoughts. Tell yourself you can do it.

Those are just a few ways you can keep your stress manageable. The only things you can control are your actions, so make them constructive!

About Haley Ostrander

Haley Ostrander is currently working towards a bachelor's degree in advertising and a minor in general business. She loves coffee, all things marketing, Harry Potter, pizza, dogs, three-day weekends, and new care smell. She hopes to get a really cool job after graduation where she can showcase her creativity and utilize her communication skills.