The LSAT Takes Another Victim

104 days, 270 plus hours, hundreds of practice questions and eight practice exams; all for a four-hour test that will quite literally change my life. This year, around 23,000 people took the June Law School Admission Test, according to the Law School Admissions Council’s website. The June LSAT is just one of four LSATs given each […]

Weekly Poll: Have You Ever Taken A ‘Study Drug’?

Under the pressure of coursework, jobs and internships, some students seek chemical aid stronger than coffee and energy drinks. In the poll below, tell The Hub@TTU if you have ever taken a study drug while in college. (There is an anonymous setting.)

Power Through Finals Week Playlist

With the seemingly never occurring end of finals week coming up around the corner, losing motivation is an easy thing to do. Don’t give into the procrastination and finish strong! Every finals week has highs and lows, just like this playlist. Full of mellow songs to help you concentrate paired with high energy tracks to […]

Finals Are Coming

It’s that time of year again when the library reaches maximum capacity, coffee is consumed more than water, and sleep is hard to come by. FINALS. At a time like this, you may feel overwhelmed and your stress level is at an all-time high. No need to panic. I have some tips and tricks to […]