Do You Ride Your Horse To School?

Tanner Warmoth contributed to this article. Howdy, y’all! If you have ever traveled to other parts of the country, I’m sure you have heard at least one good or bad, mostly bad, thing said about The Lone Star State. “That’s where all the cowboys live.” “What are you going to name your horse that you’ll be […]

A Guide to Doing New York City Right

If I said it once, I said it a million times. “I’m really good at this whole New York thing.” During my first trip to the Big Apple, I was on the TODAY show, I was within groping distance of an Oscar-nominated actor, I sat in on an editorial meeting at “CBS Evening News”, and […]

Texas Tech Does TEDx

If you google who the best American poets are, you might find names like Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Robert Frost. Those artists might be interesting to some, but what about the up-and-comings from new generations? Robyn Adams, a sophomore journalism major from Houston, is a fan of spoken word. In fact, she said she […]

A Texas Girl Living In An Uptown World

When she returns my phone call, it is apparent that Lindsay Viola-Vu, an apparel design and manufacturing major at Tech, is in a hurry. In between snips of her talking about the garment she just draped for an upcoming season and the sound of people bustling in the background, it is obvious that Viola-Vu is […]