Batch’s Homecoming: #ArtIsNotDead

In an overcrowded room filled with Texas Tech faculty and students, the Department of Communication Studies hosted an “Evening with Baron Batch” last week. An alumnus who earned his communication studies degree in 2010, Batch, a former Tech football player, went on to play in the NFL for the Pittsburgh Steelers. He retired from football in 2013. Since […]

MAIP Deadline

Update as of October 21, the MAIP application deadline has been extended to November 15. If you are interested in applying for MAIP, you now have more time.

MAIP Informational

Attention all multicultural junior, senior and graduate students. If you’re looking for a paying summer internship that offers the chance to work somewhere outside of Texas but in the United States, then you should come to the MAIP informational session on Sept. 23 in MCOM Room 154 at 6 p.m.