As Told By Your Barista 2: Coffee & Crème-Based Frappuccinos

I work at a local Starbucks and will be giving y’all tips about the common misconceptions as well as the “do’s and don’t’s” that the baristas wish you knew. Keep checking back at The Hub@TTU over the rest of the semester for more, and I will reveal my name at the end of the semester, so y’all can bring me tips!

See also: As Told By Your Barista: Difference between a Caramel Macchiato and a Latte

As a working barista, customers never know what actually makes up a Frappuccino. Here is my quick tutorial:


Crème based=Whole Milk + Flavor + Ice + Crème based syrup + Blend

Coffee based=Coffee Roast + Whole Milk + Flavor + Ice+ Coffee based syrup + Blend

Frappuccinos DO NOT have espresso shots in them unless you want to pay the extra charge for the espresso shots. (The only exception is an Espresso Frappuccino.) Those mornings when you are “craving” caffeine and/or are about to embark on a long six-hour drive, DO NOT order a vanilla bean Frappuccino at 8 in the morning — or even a coffee-based Frappuccino for that matter.

As long as you’re informed about Frappuccinos and their lack of caffeine, go ahead and treat yourself if you would like to do so.

Your Barista

P.S. DO NOT CALL A FRAPPUCCINO A “FRAPPE”! This isn’t McDonald’s, and your barista will correct you.

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