Emmy Winner John Quinones Speaks at Diversity Banquet

ABC’s first Latino correspondant and seven-time Emmy Award winner, John Quinones, spoke to students and faculty about the value of diversity at the Celebrate Diversity Awards Banquet on Tuesday. Quinones shared how his heritage, culture and values regarding diversity have shaped his career and contributed to his overall success in the media industry.


Quinones talked about one of his first experiences covering a story about immigration and how it has impacted the type of journalist he is today. Because of Quinones’s ethinic background and bilingual ability, he was able to go under cover to investigate and reveal issues immigrants are still facing today. Quinones said he views journalists as “people with flashlights” that have the ability to shine their light on hidden or darker issues of racism and discrimination, and they can expose their importance to the world.

“When we do journalism right, that’s the kind of work we should be doing,” Quinones said.

Quinones revealed his ironic feelings toward getting his dream job with ABC based on his ability to speak Spainish fluently and could adequately cover a story in Central America. Quinones spoke about his past experience working under Peter Jennings, former anchor of ABC’s World News Tonight, the lessons he learned from him when facing disappointment as a journalist.

“Don’t worry so much about talking to the movers and the shakers of the world; talk to the moved and the shaken,” Quinones said.

In his story, Quinones revealed a quote he remembered hearing from Jennings after missing an opportunity to speak with the president of Nicaragua.

“Don’t worry so much about talking to the movers and the shakers of the world; talk to the moved and the shaken,” Quinones said.

Quinones shared a clip about racial diversity from his show, “What Would You Do?”, to further explain and describe racial differences that are still occurring in Harlem, New York. Quinones wants to use his show to shine a light on diversity and give these issues a voice in our society.

“John Quinones isn’t the Hispanic reporter for ABC. He is a reporter who happens to be Hispanic,” Quinones said about himself.

About Krista Bruton

Media Industry Content Reporter

Krista Bruton is a graduate student in the College of Media and Communication and currently pursuing the professional track in the MA program. She recieved her undergraduate degree in Public Relations at Texas Tech University and hopes to graduate the masters program with a job in corporate communications, media relations, or anything in the communications industry.