Poll: Will You Vote In The Runoff Election?

On Friday, the results of the Student Government Association elections were released, and it was revealed that a runoff is required to determine the next student body president and executive board.

Voter turnout was an important issue for candidates campaigning this year, so The Hub@TTU would like to know your runoff voting plans.

Executive candidate blocs One Tech and Experience Where It Counts both earned less than the required 50 percent majority needed for a win in the initial election, prompting the runoff. No one from the third executive candidate bloc, Connect Tech, reached the runoff.

The runoff dates are Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7.

online poll by Opinion Stage


About Abbie Arroyos

Investigative Reporter    —    Journalism major, Class of 2014
Abbie comes from Hereford, Texas, where her interest in journalism kindled from reading and discussing the local newspapers with her family every day at dinner. In her final year at Texas Tech, Abbie wants to start a journalism/media relations career in either New York or London, or pursue a graduate degree in Media and Communication.