Students Urge Other Students To Vote

Conveniently for Texas Tech students, they can vote and work out in the same place this week.

The Lubbock County elections office decided to provide early voting at the Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center on campus.

Kelsey Biehler, an exercise and sports science major, said it was convenient for her because she voted right before taking a fitness class.

“I always go to the Rec, so it was just easier to do that,” Biehler said. “I liked it because it was super easy and I went when no one was there.”

Biehler said she had always planned on voting because it was a tradition in her family.

Bo Maldonado, from Austin, said he regrets not registering to vote this year.

“I regret not getting my voters registration in time,” he said. “I actually wanted to vote, but paid attention to it a little too late.”

Maldonado said he believes it is important for people to vote because it is a part of being an American citizen.

Ruth Martinez, an elections deputy for Lubbock, said there are many benefits to early voting.

“The main reason to vote early is in case something should happen on election day,” she said.

Martinez said that in 2004 there was a blizzard which prohibited many people from voting.
At that time, she said, the county was still using paper ballots, so they had to deliver paper ballots to every voting site.

She said early voting opened Oct. 22 and ends Nov. 2. She said on Nov. 6 the election office will set up a site at the Student Union Building for students who have not yet voted.

Biehler encourages students to think about voting in this year’s election.

“You only get to do this once every four years,” she said.

by Breanna Barrs
Contributed to The Hub by Jour 3312

About Breanna Barrs