Editor’s Note – News Engagement Day

Lucinda Holt

What is News? 

By Lucinda Holt – Instructor

This is a question I find myself asking my students, and the response is always intriguing. While few mention polarization and biases in today’s media, all recognize the importance of staying informed.

Given the topics and technology of today, the demand for factual and timely information is certainly at the forefront of every media professional’s mind. Also, with the pandemic and upcoming elections, there is no shortage of breaking news.

So, on this News Engagement Day I encourage and implore journalists and audiences to remain engaged and continue the search for truth and keep hope alive. While things may seem a little bleak, we must press on and remember there is still a lot of good in the world. Find the stories that warm your heart and your mind, but remain woke. Fact check, look at sourcing, follow different credible news outlets, and never be afraid to ask questions!


Maggie Matella

News Engagement: What does that mean? 

By Maggie Matella – Instructor

For some, engagement means retweeting and liking, for others, it means tuning into nightly broadcasts. As today is News Engagement Day, I believe it’s important to take a step back and evaluate how we engage with news today.

Journalism plays a critical role in our democracy but our involvement in those stories is just as vital. As we enter into these final months of 2020, I encourage our nation to become an engaged audience.

Just as I encourage my students to strive to uphold the principles of journalism, I encourage our nation to ask questions, seek the truth in stories and sources, and listen to other perspectives with open ears and an open heart.


About lucindaholt