MCTV Newscast: 3-13

In this pre-Spring Break edition of the MCTV Weekday Update, anchor Roxie Bustamante is in with the latest news and events around campus.  First up, find out how Texas Tech is leading the nation in some of our graduate degree programs.  Also, reporter Kierra Powell attempted to stay dry while spending the evening at Tech’s first Poolapalooza event at the Rec Center.  Later, reporter Amber Chalker returned to the Rec Center to see what students are looking forward to during a later than normal Spring Break.  And wrapping things up, weather specialist Carly Smith has a look at what you can expect if you’re heading to some of the more popular Spring Break destinations next week.  Have a great holiday, and we’ll be back with more of the MCTV Weekday Update on Mar. 24th!


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