Neugebauer: The Affordable Care Act

In The Hub’s fourth installment of our discussion with Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, the congressman talks about the rocky start that the website experienced at its launch.

Evan Dixon asks if the Republican Party is attempting to scare Americans away from using the website to sign up for health insurance because of highly publicized questions surrounding the website’s security.

Later in the interview, Neugebauer explains the Republican Party’s alternative to the ACA and how congressional gridlock between parties is preventing compromises between Democrats and Republicans in Washington.

To learn Neugebauer’s thoughts on the upcoming GOP elections, the recently passed farm billlast October’s government shutdown or whether or not he would like to become chancellor of the Texas Tech University System, check out The Hub’s other installments from our dialogue with the lawmaker from West Texas.

About Abbie Arroyos

Investigative Reporter    —    Journalism major, Class of 2014
Abbie comes from Hereford, Texas, where her interest in journalism kindled from reading and discussing the local newspapers with her family every day at dinner. In her final year at Texas Tech, Abbie wants to start a journalism/media relations career in either New York or London, or pursue a graduate degree in Media and Communication.