RADD, The New Kids On The Block

Raiders Against Drunk Driving, or RADD for short, are the new kids on the block when it comes to student organizations.

Inspired by the first annual May Day 5K, held in celebration of the life of former Texas Tech student Meagan “MayMay” Rough, RADD’s foundation came as an easy decision. The idea came from a simple button, and now the executive board for RADD is mostly comprised of Rough’s close friends, merchandising chair Sarah Beth Campbell said.

“We made buttons, and on the buttons it said ‘Red Raiders Against Drunk Driving’,” Campbell said. “And I don’t remember who it was, it could’ve been the dean, they were like, “Hey y’all should make an organization.” And everyone was like, ‘There’s not an organization about that?’”

Campbell said the organization promotes knowing the hazards of drunk driving and spreading the word about prevention. RADD even paired up with the Student Government Association this past fall for Alcohol Awareness Week.

“We did things like ‘Buck Drunk Driving’,” Campbell said, “and we did this inflatable course where you had to wear the drunk goggles and do that. We also had Safe Ride come out and talk.”

Campbell said RADD has finished recruiting for this semester, but it plans to start next semester  by having tables for drunk driving awareness outside the Student Union Building and finding events to attend as a group. She also said that RADD isn’t discouraging drinking, but is encouraging students to phone a friend.

“It’s not like we want people to quit drinking, it’s just we don’t want them to operate the vehicle,” Campbell said. “Our campus representative makes that a very valid point in all of our meetings.”

RADD has a Facebook like page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Raiders-Against-Drunk-Driving/631416033556395) and a Twitter (@TTUradd) where students who are looking to get more involved can contact the organization.

About Randileigh Thomas