Archives for November 2011

Interning Tip7

Lucky Number 7. With a very special guest. He is one of the biggest names in MAIP. He is a motivator and native New Yorker. Your girl already knows him because she has to hear his voice before she goes to sleep. His name is something no one forgets. The men want to be him […]

Interning Tip6

When we last left our hero he was giving up, but now he is back. Wishing to make a better video he brings a friend to give advice. Will she help? Will you care? WHO KNOWS! What I do know is that you will learn something about interning.

Interning Tip5

Why talk about this? Why care about this? I should quit posting these things. I hate doing this. No one watches. I get no views. I have trouble spelling when I write these descriptions. These videos aren’t even funny. Why do I do this?

Interning Tip4

Yes its the next installment of the show you already don’t watch at all. Why do I do it? I have no clue and am quickly loosing the motivation to do it. Then again maybe someone will benefit from it. Lastly, I would like to say chocolate city lemonade.

Interning Tip3

My First day at my internship.

Interning Tip2