S.G.A. Election: Executive Debate Highlights

The SGA election blocks “Bridge the Gap,” “Raiders United,” and “Raiders’ Voice” have been dancing around each other since the first of the month, and came head-to-head last night finally in the mandatory Executive Forum held by the SGA election commission.

The commission, mandated by the SGA Constitution, requires that all executive candidates — that is, those running for President and Vice-President positions — must stand before a panel of 6 to answer questions. Last night’s panel included current President Alex Alston, current Graduate Vice-President Terrance Rodriguez, current Honors College Senator and chair of the Rules and Administration Committee Erika Allen, Daily Toreador writer Emily Gardner, commission chairman Bradley Schniers, and current Internal Vice-President Noelle Trotter.

In addition to answering panel questions, the candidates answered questions posed by students, such as their intentions for multicultural involvement, improving relationships with the city of Lubbock, and — in one case — how the candidates felt their opponents were unfit for office.

The entire debate lasted from about 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Some hilights are included in the video above.

Make sure to VOTE! Only 12% of the student population voted last year, and SGA is responsible for distributing student fees to organizations and funding transportation around campus, and can do so much more if only given the opportunity. Share your opinions on tobacco/smoke-free campuses and concealed carry, as well.

Voting closes Thursday, Feb. 28, at 9:00 p.m. CST.

About Anthony Hall