Adulting 101: Crock-Pots

In this episode of Adulting 101, Jacob explains how to use a Crock-Pot to cook food and save time. Part of being an adult is learning how to cook for yourself and Crock-Pots make it extremely easy to have a home cooked meal waiting for you after a long day of work or school. Unfortunately, […]

Adulting 101: How to Cook Spaghetti

College students are known for eating Ramen noodles and other microwave meals, but part of becoming an adult is learning how to cook one good meal. This episode of Adulting 101 teaches how to cook spaghetti and meat sauce. For more detailed instructions, follow the five steps on

A Day at the Lubbock Dream Center

By Rachel Blevins People of all incomes, backgrounds and races gather together every Saturday morning at the Lubbock Dream Center. They come not just for a typical church service, but to enjoy a time of fellowship together. The people who attend receive a health check and a free breakfast. They also watch a cooking demonstration and […]

For Cold Winter Nights

With winter upon us, we all want to curl up under a blanket at home next to a fire with something warm to eat. One of the most popular comfort foods of the south is chicken and noodles. This homemade recipe is pretty simple to follow and will help keep you warm on these cold […]