As Told By Your Barista: Difference between a Caramel Macchiato and a Latte

I work at a local Starbucks and will be giving y’all tips about the common misconceptions as well as the “do’s and don’t’s” that the baristas wish you knew. Keep checking back at The Hub over the rest of the semester for more, and I will reveal my name at the end of the semester, so y’all can bring me tips!

As a working barista, I find that customers never know the actual difference between a caramel macchiato and a latte.

  • Caramel Macchiato (in order) = pumps of vanilla + steamed milk + shots of espresso + flavored drizzle
  • Latte (in order) = pumps of flavor + shots of espresso + steamed milk

Caramel macchiatos don’t actually have caramel flavored syrup in it. The caramel is from the flavored drizzle on top. Thus, ordering an upside down caramel macchiato is essentially a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle.


Your Barista


P.S. Want more caramel? Ask your barista for extra drizzle!


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