Apartment Complexes Test Residents’ Patience

By Kylie Smith Apartments near the Texas Tech campus are popular among students, mainly because of their convenient location. But tenants say there is a price to be paid beyond just rent. For starters, maintenance problems are frequent and can take some time to get resolved. Sara Van-Sickle, a junior finance major from Austin and a resident […]

"Rent" – Review

I laughed, I cried, and if someone asked me to see it again I probably would. I came from a musical background in high school. I was in musical theatre for four years and, needless to say, those were some of the best years of my life. There’s something liberating about being on stage and […]

Get Ready For "Rent"

  The pop culture phenomenon is back with lyrics by Jonathan Larson and directed by Linda Donahue. “Rent” is loosely based on Puccini’s La Boheme and follows a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and thrive in New York’s Lower East Side among the HIV/AIDS crisis. Music direction is by Debbie […]