CASP: Artists of the Flat, Dry and Brown

Most people who have been to the First Friday Art Trail have seen the Charles Adams Studio Project or Gallery and enjoyed the art with no idea what CASP does for local artists. “Our main goal can be boiled down to three words: working artist studios, studios artists working. Any order you want to put those […]

My First, First Friday Art Trail: Review

I was not sure what to expect from my first First Friday Art Trail experience. Many of friends had attended, but for some reason, I had never gone. Quran Batiste, the promotions and social media manager for The Hub@TTU, and I went together for our first time to see what the hype was all about! […]

Architecture Students Bring Together Local Artists

By Tanner Hunt The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts will host its monthly First Friday Art Trail tomorrow, Nov. 6, but outside the downtown trolley crawl are pockets of unexplored inspiration. This Friday, a Lubbock startup, ULabs, and a group of architecture students with the cryptic name BLNKA will host a night of artistic expression after the […]