Are Study Abroad and Tourism the Same Thing?

Thursday’s “Tourism & Study Abroad: Problematics and Paradoxes” panel encouraged viewing study abroad as an empathy-driven cultural immersion—not a tourist trip. It began with a short documentary, “Framing the Other,” in which a Dutch tourist travels to the basin of the Omo River in the East African state of Ethiopia and takes pictures of the Mursi tribe in exchange for money. Mursi women are known for […]

Visiting Dignitaries And Anonymous – 10 Things To Know, April 22

1) Ethiopia-Tech Relations? – The second-highest ranking official in the Ethiopian government is visiting Texas Tech and Lubbock this week. EverythingLubbock.Com 2) Burden of Responsibility – The West, Texas, fertilizer plant that exploded last Wednesday stored 1,350 TIMES the amount of ammonium nitrate in-house than allowed by Homeland Security. Ammonium nitrate is a volatile fertilizer […]