ATBYB 4: Helpful Charts for Choosing Your Next Starbucks Drink

I work at a local Starbucks and will be giving y’all tips about the common misconceptions as well as the “do’s and don’t’s” that the baristas wish you knew. Keep checking back at The Hub@TTU over the rest of the semester for more, and I will reveal my name at the end of the semester, so y’all can bring me tips!

See the other “As Told by Your Barista” Installments:

Difference between a Caramel Macchiato and a Latte

Coffee & Crème-Based Frappuccinos

Let’s talk about the “Secret Menu”

It has come to my attention many customers have an idea of what drink they are feeling but do not know exactly what they want. Being the helpful barista I am, I always ask customers a series of questions to figure out their perfect drink. Here are those questions, just for you, in chart form. Enjoy.

Chart 1: No Coffee

Here are all the options — caffeinated, non-caffeinated, hot or cold — available to you, non-coffee drinkers.

kristen starbucks no coffee chart


  • Steamers are lattes without the espresso shots — basically hot or cold flavored milk topped off with whipped cream.
  • We have a variety of hot teas available, caffeinated or not. Ask your barista for the list or to show them to you.
  • Caramel Apple Spice = steamed apple juice + cinnamon dolce + whipped cream + caramel drizzle. This drink is super delicious when the weather is cold.


  • Refreshers are referred to as green coffee. They are the perfect caffeinated alternative to a cup of coffee or a latte.
  • We have many different crème-based Frappuccinos. Ask your barista for the different delicious choices.
  • Starbucks does in fact have smoothies, and all the flavors include a banana and protein powder. The only size available is a grande, though.


Chart 2: Coffee

The perfect chart for that perfect coffee drink. What are you feeling?

kristen starbucks coffee chart

Note: All lattes, Caramel Macchiatos, Americanos, and mochas and white mochas can be an iced drink.

  • Flat White is a latte with foamy whole milk and ristretto shots. Each size also has an extra shot added. This drink is betten “No and Light Sweetness” because it normally does not come with flavor, but the ristretto shots have a light caramel taste.
    • *Ristretto shots are more caffeinated than regular espresso shots because less water is used when pulled
  • Mocha is between “Light and Heavy Sweetness” because it is not super sweet but is more rich than a regular latte.


When in doubt, ask your barista. We love finding the perfect drink for you


Your barista

P.S. If you are looking for coffee in your drink, do not get a coffee-based Frappuccino. The only “coffee” in it is a coffee concentration, and it is not the answer you are looking for.



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