Power Through Finals Week Playlist

With the seemingly never occurring end of finals week coming up around the corner, losing motivation is an easy thing to do. Don’t give into the procrastination and finish strong! Every finals week has highs and lows, just like this playlist. Full of mellow songs to help you concentrate paired with high energy tracks to keep your eyes open, this list is just what you need to power through studying. Even though it seems like all of our friends are already done with their finals, us select few left on campus must continue on the study grind. So load up on your caffeine, get that perfect study spot at the library and study your heart out. Winter break is just a few days away, and I know you can make it!

Check out this playlist below that is sure to help you get down to business!



About Ali Holdridge

I call the ATX home, I'm a music junkie, I write entertaining stories and one day, you'll see me interviewing your favorite musician. xoxo- Ali