Social Media & Brand Management

Story: Ashley Wilde 
Social media has become increasingly popular throughout the years and has become a critical component of brand management. Before the Internet, consumer comments to a brand were only possible over the phone or by sending a letter directly into the brand’s office; which means they were significantly easier to control and keep private. The Internet has allowed consumers to interact more often and more publicly with brands, and consumers have taken advantage of this. Now brands have to have social media platforms and personnel to manage those social media accounts to engage with their consumers.

Facebook and Twitter are the two main platforms consumers use to connect with brands. According to McClure’s Social Media’s infographic above, 29 percent of Twitter users follow a brand, 39 percent have tweeted about a brand, and 29 percent have retweeted a brand. With a larger brand following on average, Facebook reports 58 percent of users like a specific brand and 41 percent of users have shared a link, video or story about a brand. 42 percent of Facebook users mentioned a brand in a status update. These trends are making it hard for a brand to not have a presence on social media.

However, not all comments posted by consumers reflect well on the brand. A lot of comments made on social media platforms concerning a brand are negative. Consumers typically use a brand’s social media platform to voice their concerns about the brand in general or a product they received from the company the they found to be unsatisfactory.

Responding to these comments, whether negative or positive, can be an art. Below are some helpful tips in responding to comments on your company’s social media accounts:

1. Keep a record of all complaints or negative comments about your brand.

This is important because you want a record of everything that has been said about your company. This can help you respond to similar comments in the future and can help you improve your brand for future customers.

2. Don’t delete negative comments about your brand.

The audience will catch on and begin to see your brand in a negative light. The only time it is acceptable to delete comments is when you have a troll posting on your social media accounts.

Trolls are commentators who post comments that are usually offensive, vulgar, and unrelated to your business. Their goal is typically designed to get you to react; if you respond, they win. Don’t let them use your social media channels to their advantage. Delete these types of comments immediately. They can be detrimental to your brand. However, always be sure to evaluate the post to determine if the comment was a valid complaint or a troll.

3.  It is always important to respond quickly on social media.

If you don’t, negative comments can get out of control before you have a chance to respond. Responding quickly will help show your customers that you are listening and care about their concerns. If your company made a mistake, own up to it and be apologetic. This makes your company look more genuine and trustworthy. It doesn’t make any sense to argue with a customer over social media, so even if you have not made a mistake, it is better for your company to take “the customer is always right” approach.

4. While it is good to respond to the comment publicly, it is better to privately deal with delicate discussions.

If a customer is being particularly difficult, send the person a private message saying you would like to discuss the issue via email or phone. This allows for the customer to voice his or her concerns without making the entire conversation open to the public.

5. Thank the consumers for their feedback.

Feedback can be a good thing — both positive and negative comments. These comments can help you improve your brand and show your appreciation for the consumers voicing their opinions about your product or service.

Social media is a very important aspect of brand management, and it is important for companies to know when and how to reply to comments made about their brand. Social media can make or break your company, so it is important to know how to respond to consumers. While it is difficult at times, the benefits social media can bring you are vital to your company’s success in the digital era.

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