Sarah's Not So Secret Secrets: Post Numero Dos – The Most Important Thing.

Since I am writing about finding THE job, I have been thinking about what is the most important thing to consider when finding a job.

Is it:
The resume?
The phone interview?
Your outfit?
Your smile?
Level of confidence?
THE interview?
Your experience?
Your education?
Your extracurricular activities?
Your connections?
How you smell?

This list could go on for days.

In one article staying positive is the most important thing.

In another it’s following up with future employers.

In my most honest, humble opinion though, neither of these are the most important thing when job searching. Now, what is the most important thing? It is really quite simple.

Trusting God.

It’s so simple, and so controversial that most bloggers or how-to-get-a-job writers do not even touch on the subject.

Trusting God.

It just feels good to say. Go on, say it. The phrase is freeing. It is uplifting. The words are so sweet to the taste-buds. Why would it not be the most important aspect in job searching?

I know I get so caught up in what I can do, on what I have to do, that I forget and look past what God has already done! It amazes me every time I think of it. God is in control, and that is a good thing, indeed.

In February, I wrote a note titled Peace. For some reason I never published it – it’s probably a God thing.

“I have two assignments due tomorrow.
A test tomorrow and a test Tuesday.
And I work all weekend.
You know, life of a college student.

I work 30-40 hours a week.
I go to class for 21 hours a week, while only receiving 15 hours of credit.
And I average 5 hours of sleep a night.
You know, life of an exhausted college student.

I don’t know where I’m going to live come August.
I still have not heard back from some internships for the summer.
And I am graduating in December.
You know, life of a soon-to-be-graduating, exhausted, college student.

I don’t know where I’m going to be living in a year.
I don’t know what job I’m going to have in a year.
I don’t know if I will even be here in a year.
You know, life of a should-be-freaking-out, soon-to-be-graduating, exhausted, college student.

But I have this overwhelming sense of peace.
This wonderful sense of peace.
This patient sense of peace.
I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and refrigerator, a car to drive, and ways to communicate with family and friends. I have all of my limbs, and no life-threatening ailments.

God is in control.

Even if I did not have all of these blessings, God would still be in control.

God will work things out.”

Even as I am still in the unknown, I know God is in control. He knows where I can go, what I can do, and how to best do it.

This doesn’t mean that I should just sit back and forget about applying to jobs, but that each application I fill out, and each employer that I talk to, I should do it with prayerful consideration, and with open ears and heart.

Chew on that!

About Sarah Chollar

I am a senior public relations major from Sisterdale, Texas. Yes, that town does exist. I love writing and everything pr! I am the Promotions and Social Media Manager here at The Hub.