Photography of west Texas to be exhibited

The students of Photography 4300, will finally have their work seen by the public in the Llano Estacado: Photography of West Texas exhibit this Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the 3rd floor student lounge of the Media and Communications Building. The class, taught by Kippra Hopper, showcases seven students’ favorite pieces they shot of the west Texas region throughout the semester which, Hopper said, emphasizes the idea that local photography is essential to communications.

Interestingly enough, all but one of the photos from the class is horizontal. Hopper said this coincidence is actually one that makes sense. Texas has such a grand horizon, and each of the students individually and together recognized and appreciated the beauty and opportunity in the landscape.

Hopper said she hopes her passion for photography translates well to her students,and hopefully those who attend the exhibit.

red canyon hopper

“I want to introduce people to the idea of patiently looking at their environments and shooting photos that reveal the new viewpoint of seeing the world as a photographer,” Hopper said.

So, if you enjoy West Texas photography and want to see some pieces for free, stop by anytime during the event and check out the images on display.

-All photos were provided to The Hub@TTU by Kippra Hopper

About Sydney Holmes