Origin Story – EMC 3335 Short Film, Sp. 13

“Origin Story” was originally written by Aaron Dehn of EMC 4375 “Writing for Feature Films,” and was given to our EMC 3335 “Video Production and Editing” class as part of a batch to be used for our short film project. The original story centered around a girl caught in the middle of a convenience store heist, who ultimately overcomes her own fear in the midst of a shootout and declares “It’s better to be the hero than the victim.” It’s a very well-written script, with great character development without dialogue.

That, however, is not the “Origin Story” we present today.

Katie Penkert, Katherine McBee, Erin Schwarz, Jared Smith, and I read the script and were, unfortunately, unable to provide the resources and space necessary to execute Mr. Dehn’s vision. Instead, we improvised, and, with the suggestion of our instructor Paul Hunton, wrote a spin-off of the story with our own inspiration taken from Mr. Dehn’s screenplay, keeping what we interpreted the key concepts in mind — overcoming adversity in the heat of the moment, and the story’s poignant closing statement.

Henry Wilson, an experienced actor and Tech student from Houston, participated in the project.

About Anthony Hall